In a word, absolutely! In fact, many professional sewer contractors recommend having your drains cleaned every two years or so (and possibly more often if you have an older home). 

Your drains are a crucial part of your home’s plumbing system. They carry everything from the stuff that gets flushed down the toilet to bits of food from your dishwasher to the water flowing from your sinks, showers and tubs. Some pretty important stuff here, for sure. 

Getting your drains cleaned regularly will help you make sure things are running smoothly and will help you prevent future problems with your sewer system. 

Here are four benefits to getting a professional drain cleaning in Edmonton.

1. You’ll have quicker and more efficient drainage throughout your home.

Slow drainage in your home can be really annoying. Who wants to stand in two inches of water while having a shower or wait 20 minutes for your bathroom sink to drain? 

When you experience slow drainage in your home, a clog (or build up within your drain) is usually the culprit. A simple drain cleaning will clear up any clogs in your drainage system before they can build up enough to slow things down. 

2. You’ll avoid odours.

A clogged drain can cause unpleasant odours from within your plumbing system to make their way into your home. Need we say more? Regular drain cleaning can easily prevent this from happening!

3. You’ll improve your drain life and prevent leaks.

Consistent drain cleaning will help you prevent clogs and build up in your lines. This is important because not only are clogs annoying (causing slow drainage in your home), but they can also be harmful. 

Over time, the stuff you flush or put down the drain—from baby wipes to sanitary products to hair to grease to food waste (and so on)—can build up until it eventually clogs the line. Clogs can build-up to the point where they can cause a leak in your drain and need to be replaced, which is not usually a simple project.

4. You’ll probably save some money.

Regular drain cleaning can help you catch potential issues—before they turn into big, expensive problems. A routine drain cleaning will cost you a lot less than a major problem in your sewer line. 

For example, if you discover damage to your sewer system that’s so severe you have to replace the lines (like a major leak or corrosion), it could potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars. Because sewer lines are underground, replacing a line would mean digging up your yard so a professional contractor can access and replace your damaged lines—definitely not a quick or inexpensive undertaking!

As a homeowner, having your drains cleaned regularly will give you peace of mind that your drainage system is running properly. Look to Ivis Construction as your first choice for a top Edmonton sewer contractor and contact us today to schedule your professional drain cleaning in Edmonton.